Speak to us if …

You have/know someone who has experienced
sexual violence
You are supporting someone who has experienced
sexual violence
You are a professional seeking community engagement, training and awareness sessions or consent workshops

Here to help

SV2 will support you regardless of when your experience of sexual abuse or violence occurred.
We support all genders from any age and offer counselling to both adults and children.

  • Independent Sexual Violence Advisor
  • Counselling and therapy
  • Anonymous reporting
  • Supporting male victims
Feedback Forms
We really want your opinion. If you have used any of the services within SV2 please complete a quick feedback form.
Self Refer
Download, fill in and send a referral form to get support from our ISVA or therapy team.
Latest news
Downloadable Leaflets/Posters

About us

We offer person-centered support to anyone who has experienced sexual violence.