Young People

Please note: Our resources library contains links from other websites/agencies. The links are provided for informational purposes only. SV2 bears no responsibility for any advertising content shown on external websites.

Young Minds have pulled together information and advice for young people around the use of drugs and alcohol, including how this can effect your mental health
Change Grow Live (CGL) allows you to speak with one of their team online confidentially and judgement free. CGL have information on a variety of drugs, helping you to better understand how they work and how to stay safe. You can also take a quiz to better understand your substance/alcohol use.
FRANK offers honest information and facts about drugs. FRANK also has articles on myth busting, spiking and staying safe at festivals.

YoungMinds guide on Body Image
Mind have a page full of information on Confidence & Self-Esteem

YoungMinds have a page explaining all things Self-Care including ideas to get you started and what to do when self-care feels difficult/impossible
Anna Freud have created a booklet to help you make your own self-care plan and a page full of strategies

ChildLine have created a Calm Zone with calming activities to help when you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious
ChildLine have also created pages with advice on how to cope with Anxiety & Panic Attacks. You can also speak to other young people using their message boards
YoungMinds have created a page where you can find out more about Anxiety, its symptoms, causes and what you can do to feel better

YoungMinds have a page on Trauma, helping you to understand what Trauma is, how it can affect you (emotionally & physically) and what help is available

ChildLine understands Eating Problems can happen because of lots of different things, their page provides information on a variety of Eating Problems and how to get help
YoungMinds also provides information and advice on Eating Problems and where to seek support

YoungMinds page on Sleeping Problems has information and advice including the causes of sleeping problems, tips and where to seek further help

Mind have a page with information on Self-harm including tips on how to cope and where to go for support
YoungMinds understand that Self-Harm can be difficult to talk about. Their guide helps you better understand what self-harm is and even includes a section on supporting others who self-harm
Calm Harm – The Calm Harm app provides some immediate activities and techniques to help you break the cycle of self-harm behaviour and explore underlying trigger factors; the app supports you in building a ‘safety net’ of helpful thoughts, behaviours, and access to supportive people, as well as providing the opportunity to journal and self-reflect.

SignHealth have a variety of BSL self-help and informative videos covering a wide range of topics from Mental Health to Healthy Relationships
You can use ChildLine’s SignVideo service to speak to a counsellor using BSL
The NHS have a variety of mental health self-care videos with tips on exercise, sleep and social media.
CAMHS have a collection of downloadable self-help guides for young people and parents covering tops such as: anxiety, self-esteem, self-harm, trauma, etc.
Young Minds have a range of information, advice and resources for young people, parents and professionals.
Anna Freud – National centre for children & families have a wide range of self-help resources, including guides on how to create a self-care plan for children and young people
Charlie Waller Org have a range of resources covering topics of mental health and self-harm. They also have lots of tailored resources for managing mental health while at university