Useful Apps
Sanvello – Teaches mindfulness skills and provides mood and health tracking tools that can be used to improve mental and physical health.
Headspace – Meditation and Mindfulness tools with themed sessions on topics like sleep and anxiety. The App includes sounds/music to help with focus, mood and sleep.
Better Stop – Tools and techniques for moments of crisis.
Calm Harm – The Calm Harm app provides some immediate activities and techniques to help you break the cycle of self-harm behaviour and explore underlying trigger factors; the app supports you in building a ‘safety net’ of helpful thoughts, behaviours, and access to supportive people, as well as providing the opportunity to journal and self-reflect.
Stay Alive – For those at risk of suicide and people worried about someone. Packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis.
Alena – Scientifically developed to help you recognise how anxiety affects you and get a personalised plan.
Gratitude – A self-care tool to help you focus on your mental health. With a gratitude journal, affirmations, daily motivation and guided challenges.
Kulpa – Kulpa empowers victims of crime, abuse and sexual assault to record and safely store legally-admissible evidence until they feel ready to go to the police. Importantly, when they are ready, at the tap of a few buttons, the local police will receive a full report of evidence.