We’re accredited!
Officially accredited services for victims of sexual violence in Derbyshire
SV2 recently became officially accredited for its ISVA and CHISVA services (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) to ensure all victims in Derbyshire are receiving quality services.
Victims take a long time before disclosing abuse and usually doesn’t become evident until they start experiencing other symptoms of the abuse such as mental health problems, substance abuse and also physical health problems. The role of an ISVA is to make sure that once a disclosure has been made, victims are well supported to cope with things that may arise such as police investigations, the court process and how it impacts their life.
The accreditation, provided by Lime Culture, looks into four main quality standards: Leadership and Governance; Access and Engagement; Service Delivery; and Outcomes and Evaluation. The process took around 6 months.
The Head of Advocacy at SV2, Liza Freeman, stated: ‘We really want survivors in the county to have confidence in the service. Those who refer into our services are extremely vulnerable and deserve to be supported as best they can. All our ISVAs are either fully qualified or working towards qualification.’
Find out more about the support an ISVA can offer here and complete or referral form.