Tanya’s Story
Fancy a haircut? Tanya went above and beyond this by shaving all her hair off to raise money for SV2.
Tanya first heard about SV2 when two people she knew were sexually assaulted. ‘On both occasions SV2 helped them to work through the assault, to face and come to terms with what had happened and to decide how they wished to proceed. The counselling helped both to pick themselves up.’
It is hard seeing people you care about having to go through something so traumatic, but with the right support people can pick up the pieces and gradually feel better.
Tanya wanted to give something back to the organisation that had helped two important people in her life. So where did shaving hair come into it?
‘I have a long fringe which I hide behind – so by shaving my hair off I am making myself feel exposed and vulnerable.’ Tanya wanted to show solidarity with her friends and others who are, through no fault of their own, forced to feel that way.
Tanya set herself the target of raising £300 and was adamant she would not do it for a penny less! At the beginning of November 2017, Tanya had raised £376 and kept her promise!

Behind that fringe was a pair of brave eyes.
Well done and thank you for support.