World Mental Health Day – 10th October 2020
At SV2 we asked our teams what helps them to look after their mental and emotional wellbeing, especially what is most helping during this pandemic. It was so interesting to hear their range of responses which we’d like to share with you as part of World Mental Health Day!
Everybody is unique
Prioritising mental health is so important otherwise it can have a knock-on effect on our physical health and also other areas of our lives too. It is important to remember that we are all unique therefore different things work for different people.
Ways to improve your mental health
This is how SV2 team said they have been taking care of themselves. Some discovered that lockdown has been an opportunity for them to learn new ways to self care.
- Talking to family and friends, albeit mostly on line or by phone at the moment. Keeping connected with all generations is so important and helps to reduce isolation.
- Cooking or baking and trying new recipes.
- Getting outside in the fresh air, whether it be a gentle walk in the park, feeding the birds, a picnic in nature, walking the dogs, going for a run or a cup of tea in the garden. Most people said being in nature really helps.
- Spending time with loved ones where possible and of course this can be tricky at the moment but ensuring the time is more meaningful by being grateful and more present in the moment.
- Exercising and getting the body’s natural endorphins going improves mental health, such as going to the gym (or exercising at home), taking an online class or playing some music and having a dance around the house!
- Watching or listening to the news less! Instead watch and listen to uplifting podcasts, audiobooks and watch programmes or movies that will give you more joy.
- Protecting energy was a common one shared by the team especially as we are spending so much more time at home with others at the moment, sometimes this can feel stressful. Creating some alone time to meditate, journal, a bubble bath or just relax by burning a candle or incense can make all the difference.
- Creating time boundaries and having a work life balance.
- Holistic therapies and exercises which are good for the mind, body and soul such as yoga, chi gong and using crystals
- Getting lost in a good book!
- Creative activities such as photography, papercraft, writing or trying something new such as paint by numbers and tapestry.
- Remembering the power of touch (if hugs are important to you), give yourself a hug instead or cuddle a teddy bear.
- Having ‘lazy’ days! Resting and not having to think too much about anything important!
- Decluttering, sorting out messy cupboards and getting things in some sort of order.
- Re-discovering letter writing! Sending handwritten letters and cards to friends and family in the post.
- An attitude of gratitude! Focusing on three good things everyday.
- Remembering the phrase ‘be in the moment’ rather than in the mind.
- Spending time with pets
- Reading poetry, affirmations and positive quotes.
It was great to compile such an inspiring list from the SV2 team including different ways we can all improve our mood during these really challenging and uncertain times.
We cannot control what is going on around us but we can try to control how we respond.
If you would like to read more around mental health and how to cope better visit Every Mind Matters