About Us
Sexual violence simply shouldn’t exist and no one should deal with it alone. Whilst sexual abuse exists, we’ll be here to support and empower the victims, inform the public and protect future generations.
Over the next few years (2022- 2025), SV2 aims are to;
- Obtain accreditation for our services supporting men and our prevention and education provision and maintain accreditation for our existing services
- Understand and address the barriers some groups experience in reporting sexual violence and in engaging with support
- Develop our therapeutic and other services to ensure that people have access to the right support, at the right time, including holistic and alternative therapies
- Develop our prevention, empowerment and education services, alongside our communication strategy to ensure that awareness of rape, sexual violence and the issue of consent continues to increase through other professionals, communities and the general public
- To embed service user involvement at all levels of consultation, planning and decision making within the organisation
If you want to know more or get involved, please see our Service User Involvement page
SV2 is a charity commissioned by the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner to provide support from Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs). We work in partnership with the police but independently in order to advocate for anyone who accesses our services.
SV2 provides a range of therapy services for adults and children including art therapy for children aged 0-13. Our therapy services are funded by various agencies and other charities such as Children in Need, the National Lottery Community Fund, Ministry of Justice, NHS England and Integrated Care Boards.
SV2s work is overseen by a Board of Trustees which has responsibility for the ensuring that the charity delivers its aims of: reducing the impact of rape and sexual abuse on victims (all genders) and their families; encouraging reporting of rape and sexual abuse; supporting victims through the legal process and; reducing the incidence of rape and sexual abuse by raising awareness.
SV2 works with victims/survivors of sexual violence and abuse to Inform, Support, Protect and Empower them.
We do not work with perpetrators.